داستان آبیدیک

transcendent notion


1 فلسفه:: مفهوم استعلایی

This statement of his task calls for a transcendent notion of grammatically, a transcendent notion of the relation of a string to a language to which it belongs. The transcendent notion does not itself pretend to formality; ideally it would be couched in behavioral terms, applicable in advance to any unspecified language. If, having started with some satisfactorily transcendent notion of grammatically, we were to proceed to define the notion of a grammatical category simply by interchangeability salva congruitate in Husserl's way, then the notion of a grammatical category would likewise be transcendent. A transcendent notion, grammaticality, is in order just here at the top, to enable the grammarian to say what he is looking for. Formality, for the transcendent notion of grammaticality, is not in point.

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